Imperial Wares
Click Any Image to View Enlargements and Descriptions
光緒 Guangxu Engraved White Dragon Bowl
康熙 Kangxi Lotus Saucer
光緒 Guangxu Lime Green Lampstand
乾隆 Qianlong Copper Red Matrix Saucer
雍正 Yongzheng Imperial Lavender Blue Bowl ***SOLD***
乾隆 Qianlong Copper Red Saucer ***SOLD***
康熙 Kangxi Beehive Water Pot
康熙 Kangxi Meiping Vase
康熙 Kangxi Pomegranate Water Pot
嘉靖 Jiajing Imperial Yellow Saucer Dish
萬曆 Wanli Imperial Yellow Bowl
道光 Pair of Daoguang Saucers ***SOLD***
乾隆 Qianlong Blue Stem Cup
乾隆 Qianlong Apple Form Water Pot
光緒 Guangxu Yellow Enameled Gui Altar Vessel
乾隆 Qianlong Sacrificial Blue Bottle
光緒 Guangxu Yellow Enameled Dishes ***SOLD***