乾隆 Qianlong Sacrificial Blue Bottle Vase (Tianqiu Ping)

A fine and elegant Imperial bottle-form vase (Tianqiu Ping) of exquisite proportions, the globular body rising to a broad cylindrical neck and resting upon a countersunk foot, covered overall with a rich purple-hued deep cobalt blue glaze and at the bottom has an 'oil spotting effect. The slight purple cast to the blue is due to the presence of manganese in the glaze and this color is sometimes referred to as sacrificial blue or Mazarin blue. The base with an incised zhuanshu seal mark and period of Qianlong inscribed in the biscuit under the blue glaze.
清代 Qing Dynasty, 乾隆 Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
Height:  11 3/4" (29.8cm)
Provenance:  Vermeer & Griggs Collection, No. 706
Condition: Excellent, no chips, cracks or restorations.
Please refer to item #MO-535-706 when inquiring.

Zhuanshu mark & period seal mark of Qianlong

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