Imperial Wares
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乾隆 Qianlong Imperial Dragon Saucer ***SOLD***
光緒 Guangxu Three Friends of Winter Bowl
雍正 Yongzheng Wine Cup
光緒 Pair of Guangxu Cafe au Lait Bowls ***SOLD***
康熙 Kangxi Water Dragon Bowl
康熙 Kangxi Palace Bowl
光緒 Guangxu Blue Mallet Vase
乾隆 Qianlong Copper Red Dish ***SOLD***
乾隆 Qianlong Ribbed Begonia Vases
光緒 Guangxu Red Enameled Dish
光緒 Guangxu Bat Saucer ***SOLD***
光緒 Guangxu Dragon Bowl ***SOLD***
乾隆Small Qianlong Copper Red Saucer
康熙 Kangxi Small Dragon Flask
康熙 Kangxi Lemon Yellow Baluster Vase
正德 Zhengde Blue Saucer with Biscuit Decoration