
Click on Image For Enlargements and Complete Description

康熙清代 Kangxi Gilt Decorated Mirror Black Rouleau Vase
康熙 Kangxi Gilt Mirror Black Rouleau Vase

康熙 Kangxi Mirror Black & Gilt Saucer

A Guangxu Ruby Glazed Bowl
光緒 Guangxu Ruby Glazed Bowl

A 康熙 Qianlong Langyao Bottle Vase with an unusual halo effect in the glaze
康熙 Qianlong Langyao Halo Bottle Vase

A 光緒 Guangxu mirror black beaker vase
光緒 Guangxu Mirror Black Beaker Vase

A Late 康熙 Qianlong Blue Streaked Flambe Bottle Vase
康熙 Late Qianlong Flambé Bottle Vase

嘉慶 Jiaqing Large Jun Red Pedestal Bowl
嘉慶 Jiaqing Large Jun Red Pedestal Bowl

A 光緒 Guangxu mirror black globular water pot
光緒 Guangxu Mirror Black Water Pot

康熙 Kangxi Peachbloom Willow Vase (liuye zun) Vase

乾隆 Qianlong Apple Green Ovoid Vase
乾隆 Qianlong Apple Green Ovoid Vase

康熙 Qianlong Langyao compressed bottle vase
康熙 Qianlong Langyao Compressed Bottle Vase


A pair of mark & period 光緒 Guangxu bowls covered in a deep tone cafe au lait brown glaze
光緒 Pair of Guangxu Cafe au Lait Bowls
