
Click on Image For Enlargements and Complete Description

Large 康熙 Kangxi Turquoise Pear Shaped Vase
康熙 Kangxi Pear Shaped Vase

康熙 Kangxi Langyao Gall Bladder Shaped (Dan Ping) Vase
康熙 Kangxi Langyao Gall Bladder Vase

光緒 Guangxu Blue Glazed Bottle Vase
光緒 Guangxu Blue Glazed Bottle Vase

A rare 康熙 Kangxi mark and period copper red glazed alms bowl with a channeled foot rim
康熙 Kangxi Copper Red Alms Bowl

道光 Daoguang teadust glazed fanghu vase
道光 Daoguang Teadust Fanghu Vase


A Pair of 道光 Daoguang Iron Red Miniature Pear Shaped Vases
道光 Pair of Miniature Pear Shaped Vases

乾隆 Qianlong Langyao Apple Form Water Pot
乾隆 Qianlong Langyao Apple Form Water Pot


康熙 Kangxi Peacock Blue Facetted Baluster Vase with Dragon Handles
康熙 Kangxi Peacock Blue Facetted Vase

乾隆 Qianlong Clair de Lune Bottle Vase
乾隆 Qianlong Clair de Lune Bottle Vase


An 早康熙 Early Kangxi Blue Rouleau Vase
早康熙 Early Kangxi Rouleau Vase
