Blue & White

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雍正 Yongzheng Dragon & Phoenix Ginger Jar

康熙 Kangxi blue & white softpaste '100 boy' motif paste box
康熙 Kangxi '100 Boys' Paste Box

雍正 Yongzheng blue and white phoenix saucer
雍正 Yongzheng Phoenix Saucer

乾隆 A Blue and White Qianlong Phoenix Saucer
乾隆 Qianlong Phoenix Saucer

康熙 Kangxi small blue and white rouleau vase with chrysanthemum decor
康熙 Kangxi Small Rouleau Vase

萬曆 Wanli Blue & White Double Phoenix Saucer
萬曆 Wanli Double Phoenix Saucer

康熙 Kangxi blue and white aster bowl
康熙 Kangxi Aster Bowl

光緒 Guangxu Blue & White Three Friends of Winter Bowl
光緒 Guangxu Three Friends of Winter Bowl

康熙 Kangxi blue and white aster dish
康熙 Kangxi Aster Dish

康熙 Large Kangxi Aster pattern plate
康熙 Kangxi Aster Plate