
Click on Image For Enlargements and Complete Description

早康熙 An early Kangxi period wucai spiraled beaker vase
早康熙 Early Kangxi Beaker Vase

順治 A Shunzhi wucai olive shaped vase decorated with various potted flowering plants
順治 Shunzhi Olive Shaped Vase

光緒  Transitional Style Wucai Lion Handled Covered Box
光緒 Transitional Style Lion Handle Box

崇禎明代A late Ming Chongzhen wucai monkey plate
崇禎 Chongzhen Monkey Plate

早康熙 An Early Kangxi Wucai Jar
早康熙 Early Kangxi Jar

萬曆 A Wanli Wucai Oblong Shaped Covered Box
萬曆 Wanli Lidded Box