乾隆 Qianlong Large Polychrome Bottle Vase

A rare and unusual large bottle vase, the body of slight ovoid shape with tall neck picturing three foo lions playing with brocaded balls tied with narrow ribbons. The design molded in relief in the paste and finished by engraving (carved) on a powder blue ground and enameled in charcoal, white, black and brown tones. The reverse depicts a large brocade ball with fillets. The base is covered with a clear glaze with no mark and the mouth rim is dressed with an iron wash. The foot exhibits burning where the glaze meets the biscuit. An almost identical vase but with a yellow ground and 12 inches (30.5cm) in height is in the Baltimore Museum of Art, from the Walter's Collection.
清代 Qing Dynasty, 乾隆 Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
Height:  18"  (45.7cm)
Provenance:  Vermeer & Griggs Collection No. 642
Condition:  There is a small bruise (star) crack on the reverse side in the glaze.
Please refer to item #PO-211-642 when inquiring.

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