
光緒 Guangxu Grisailles Decorated Plate

A large saucer dish finely decorated en grisailles (black ink style drawing) of an arrangement of flowers and foliage including chrysanthemums in reserve upon a lemon yellow enameled background. The reverse with three detached scrolling tendrils and lotus blossom sprigs on a white background. The six character iron red kaishu mark and period of Guangxu appears on the base.
清代 Qing Dynasty, 光緒 Guangxu Period (1875-1908)
Diameter:  9 1/2" (24.1cm)
This type of grisailles decoration on a yellow ground was favored by the Dowager Empress Cixi and is evident on Da ya zhai marked wares. They are most probably based on sketches and paintings by Cixi herself and were connected with her 60th anniversary (1894).
Please refer to item #PO-202 when inquiring.

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