乾隆 Qianlong Turquoise Moon Flask


A rare elegantly potted moon flask of circular form and raised central section supported on a rounded rectangular splayed foot with coiled serpentine handles attached at the waisted neck and shoulder beneath the garlic headed mouth. The flask is covered in a rich finely crackled translucent turquoise glaze which darkens in the recesses of the modeling and at the foot. The base is also glazed in turquoise though numerous glaze pulls are evident as a result of burst glaze bubbles.
清代 Qing Dynasty, 乾隆 Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
Height: 11 3/4" (29.9cm)
Provenance: Jakob Goldschmidt Collection
Condition: Excellent, firing crack on one handle and small chip at foot rim.
Please refer to item #MO-626 when inquiring.


Similar turquoise flask sold Sotheby's Paris, June 2007, Height: 11 1/2" (29.2cm)

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