乾隆 Qianlong Green Glazed Rouleau Vase (Bangchuiping)

A large rouleau (club shaped) vase of cylindrical form with flattened incurving shoulders and tubular neck encircled with a bow-string band terminating in a galleried gilt edged rim. The body covered in a vibrant apple green toned glaze applied over a white glaze. The interior and base are painted in a pale European (lake) green enamel, a style originating in the preceding 雍正 Yongzheng period. The foot rim is exposed revealing the fine white compact paste typical of 18th C wares.
清代 Qing Dynasty, 乾隆 Qianlong Period (1736-1795)
Height:  18" (45.7 cm)
Provenance:  Vermeer & Griggs Collection No. 106  
Condition:  Multiple burst glaze bubbles over the body.
Please refer to item #MO-594-106 when inquiring.

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