康熙 Kangxi Langyao Slender Baluster Vase

A tall Kangxi period baluster form vase of slender form with a flared cylindrical neck rolling outward at the mouth rim. The thinly waisted body rising from a widely splayed stepped foot to a broad rounded shoulder is covered with a sumptuous rich raspberry transparent langyao glaze that has drained to the foot leaving the neck partially covered red, pooling around the neck and shoulder to a deep red collecting at the foot in deepest raspberry hue and stopping, perfectly controlled, just above the stepped foot. The base is covered with a pale celadon hued crackle glaze. The foot-rim exhibiting the tight compact paste typical of the Lang kiln. The vase, though shorter and with a broader shoulder closely resembles the Vermeer Langyao Vase.
清代 Qing Dynasty, 康熙 Kangxi Period (1662-1722)
Height:  15" (38.1cm)
Condition:  Excellent
Provenance:  Cleveland Museum of Art No. 39 201, Christie's NY, Vermeer & Griggs Collection No. 448

Please refer to item #MO-611-448 when inquiring.

                     Cleveland Vase 

          Vermeer Vase                 

 Langyao Vase
Vermeer & Griggs Collection


E.T. Hall Vase (Male form)
Height: 14 5/16" (36.5 cm)

Vermeer & Griggs Vase (Male form)
Height: 15 1/2" (39.4cm)

Cleveland Vase (Female form)
Height: 15" (38.1cm)

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