19th C Boy on a Water Buffalo

A 19th C Dehua sculpture of a boy astride a water buffalo covered in an ivory toned glaze. The model references the legendary friendship between a Buddhist monk named Yuanze and the scholar Li Yuan in the eighth century. Yuanze was able to re-enter the womb and be born again, which he did twice during his recorded lifetime, thus experiencing the "three lives" that his legend preserves. His intimate friend Li Yuan was able to confirm Yuanze's extraordinary story because he saw him in each of his three lives, during the second of which he appeared to Li Yuan as a young boy on the back of a water buffalo.
Height: 7" (17.8cm)  Length: 8 1/2" (21.6cm)
Condition: Excellent, end of flute missing.
Please refer to item #DE-410 when inquiring.

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